Welcome to the virtual depths of ARCANA 23, Beyond the Circles of Time...

I sing praises unto Ganesha, that he allowed me un-ob-struct(ur)ed pass-age back from Arcana 23 to more pre-sent pre-science (art) of sense. Any-Way, being ankh-ored in the Uncertainty of Being, I re-turn to/on the Wheel ROTARO from the 33rd path on the Tree (through Daath, beyond the 32\ per-mutations of the alephabetatebahpela to the /23 per-mutations of the un-a-void-able void Between.

The New Zoomorphic ANIMA(L)TION above will take quite a while to load but I assure you 'tis worth the weight so here's some rambling in-sites to occupy thee in the meantime:

I've been back to ATU 23 and back...
The Hindu Elephant-God Ganesha came up a lot for me this time round (and round and round -like a carousel) so I have put together some visuals (above) regarding his relationship with Thoth (represented visually here by a Madagaskan Moon Moth) and ATU 23 which I first began to real-ize during the ritual Pennae-ing of LIBER PENNAE-ULTIM-ATUM. May you too be sucked up his trunk intotni

"Every Man and Every Star is a Woman" (-TOPY PANDROGYNE)

The Egg-home I live in has be-come an earthing of my astral and www-e-temples as I move in (in-stall) the mirrors from Caer Arianhrod in the Labyrinth. From there the strange re-flex-ionsnoi-xelf-er are to be pumped back into the 2D-3D 2'3' rd ATU of my www-e-(b)gregore. I shall send you an www-e-(b)gregorian chant when I add sound to my si(gt)te, when the tim-e I e-mit is ripe for the cybernetic insectoid tarantella-ring taranticles of N'aton to escalate Hir self-birth sufi ballet-dance spinning-in-to a crescendo of spirals and loops -the sacred Double-Hoop is soon to be Crossed. Nritya Ganapati Namah!

Here is an account of my Winter Solstice 99 (June, Melbourne, Australia) journeys to ARCANA 23 and back, or what little thereof is trans-late-able into language:

I had fasted all day, and done much preparatory yoga and meditation. Soon after eating DMT (first time digested) in combination with a root called Syrian (yes as in Sirius) Rue as an MAO-inhibitor, I cast the circle near my egghouse as a spider-web-map of the aeons of time. As I invoked the directions/elements (Nema's 6-fold/aeonic), I began to slip into a deep trance. I sat down with Jess and Innana (my 'minders' who were there to ensure my body didn't do anything dangerous while I was away) and we chanted the Chakra Tones together. As I closed my eyes and chanted strange geometric patterns began to unfold. By the time we reached the Sahasrara I was well and truly off. My body felt quite weak and fuzzy, so I curled up into a fetal position in my cloak and let the visions flow. After a while Jess and Innana went up to the egghouse on my request and I lay for I don't know how long -1hr/2hrs/3hrs?? traversing strange DiMenTions of visual splendour. The hallucinations were incredibly vivid and intricately detailed. They were however so abstract and in constant flux that it is impossible to describe the forms/ sentient patterns I saw. The geometries were too beyond normal perspectives to grasp.
I alternated between awareness of my body -which felt floppy, nauseous and quite uncomfortable- and phases of complete 'gone'-ness. At one stage while thinking about all the things I want to do in the coming moonths I began to manifest a second pair of arms. This extended to an actual physical sensation in the sides of my chest, an itching cracking ache to the point where I felt them almost burst from my ribcage. I have since realized these arms have indeed been activated on some other level, as my increasing productivity will demonstrate...

Eventually I focussed enough to sit up and assumed half-lotus asana. I began doing the Merkaba breathing exercises and this immediately stabilized my energy field. I could feel the prana shooting from the base of my spine up through my crown to the stars and back at incredible rate. It was difficult to concentrate on the specific shapes of the Chariot/Merkaba as there was so much other mutating geometry weaving around and through it. I felt the true power and purpose of the 'dissonance' created by the 34/21 rotations of the field: a strong 'diagonal' vortex of energy decentralized my axis, pulling me upwards-and-sideways into spaces *inbetween*. When I returned to centre and spun the fields faster than the speed of light, it is the closest I have ever felt to physical dematerialization/teleportation.

I began chanting 'Om Ganapati Namah. Om Gam Namah' to transgress the ob-stacles (Ganesha/Ganapati is remover of Obstacles and Lord of the Base Chakra). On the springing 'Gung' sound of the Gam I became a frog, crouched and launched myself out of the 'circles of time' I had created as an aeonic microcosm. Hopping through the woods I re-turned to the Egg-house. As I entered I turned into a silent and invisible aHarpocrat, and heard Jess and Innana talking about tadpoles (!) by the fire, just before I 'gung'-ed back into their presence! By this stage I felt fully back in and very comfortable with my body, although everything still had a distinctly 'surreal' edge. I was feeling charged with energy and moving around quite fast and flexibly, in somewhat sporadic outbursts. It being obvious by now that I was thoroughly 'in control' of my trip, Jess and Innana decided to take some goldtop mushrooms. I drank from the brew also, having experienced enough of digested DeMenTia on its own to now try it combined with other brain-twisters. It was, after all, the looooooooooongest night of the year! I kept meaning to try painting a rendition of Arcana 23 but couldn't seem to connect canvas and oil paints from their shifting positions in the room (so mush room!). I was plunging through other dimensions at a rate which made such an application most impractical. I did do interesting multi-dimensional dances with both the paintbox and the canvas -very DaDa! I feel these dances have made an akashic impression which will be perceptible via the ingestion of Elixir 23. I am the elephantine ballet-dancer in my tentacled TuTu-lu, squirting inky clouds from many trunks. Persistent chanting of Ganapati mantras and base chakra 'Ohhh' tones eventually allowed me to navigate the ob-stacles enough to begin painting. However it seemed too static and restrained a medium to contain or even attempt to express the multi-dimensions of ATU 23.

So now my Book of ChAos Tarot Deck is complete its printed form can contain only URL reference points to this evolving Arcana 23, which in cyber/hyperspace is represented with *mobile* ever-expanding layers of animated imagery. This will again link in via the Sigil Key I received and activated W.Solstice 98, the N'aton-seeding of the Horus-Maat Lodge, and Elixir 23, with the etheric web established/enhanced via the www-e-b.

There is a magnificent large green candle which burned all through this winter solstice (southern hemisphere) longest night of the year (I get two of them this year!), with an in-tense green Anahata Aura. There were six ThothMoths splayed star-like in the Green Wax on that waxing moon. This is my Hope/Knowing that I may prove light-hearted enough to complete my ChAotic e-mission: the heart-e-mana-t-ions of the Merkaba Hexagram Be-Come OctaGone.

During this solstice (99) I could feel very strongly the relationship between the astral webs and the www-e-bs. I felt very electrified, intensely aware of the communications strands emanating out across the Globe. N'aton (a name in Maat Magick for the awakening Collective Consciousness) is being e-stablished as an e-gregore of the H(t)ML (Horus-Maat Lodge) - (as Nema wrote in 'Maat Magick and Chaos Magick' on the Typhonian OTO site, 'I see the internet as the backbone of N'aton, fleshing out even as we speak.'
I have written (on my homepage) and talked much in the past of the idea of the wwweb as an interface between the astral and the physical. This is being constantly real-ized at an exponential rate which suggests that if the Y2K bug does bug-ger things up it may just trans-form rather than destroy the web: the tools becoming obsolete as the dream manifests and mutates beyond the medium which helped e-stablish it.
A photo of the Mirrored Egg we made for a Metamorphic Ritual Theatre production several years ago has been at the HERE/NOW axis of my site for quite a while now, placed there before I read 'Maat Magick' (Nema) and 'Outside the Circles of Time' (Kenneth Grant) and dis-covered the aeonic significance of this symbol. The corresponding mirrored egg in my/our Astral Temple spontaneously exploded a couple of Nu Moons ago when we (the Horus-Maat Lodge) began the Bindrune N'aton-seeding, allowing open access to this 'space'. Cra Xs back in time to this temple are evident in earlier Nu Moon reports of various HMLodge-members.
When I got all the mirrors and mirror-pieces back from the recent Labyrinth -not knowing what else to do with them- I began arranging them around the cave-like curved walls of my home (see Picture). Halfway through this subconscious procedure I 'cracked up' laughing as I real-ized that I am now actually physically *living in* a Mirrored Egg!

The myriad reflections thereof began to fragment further as I drank what is now being distilled into Elixir 23 -I knew from readings and past experiments that drinking the urine of someone (inc. oneself) who has had fly agarics or goldtops re-cycles (ad-nauseum) the trip in a purified (*subtract* nausea!) form and had pissed in the bubbling mushy brew. What I hadn't counted on is that it also re-cycled the Syrian Rue and DMT, and I was soon off again for another 3/4 hours, casting smeary canvas aside and encurling to travel. This second wave of hallucinations was equally intense and indescribable. All I can say is its basic was in Pyramidical structures, which then unfolded into myriad mirrorculas molecular pyramirrors of fractalized multi-formation. There was inherent a stong Draconian undercurrent -a powerful sense of 'the Other', something alien and beyond- leading since to an increasing awareness of the connection of The Old Ones with N'aton.

There is something decidedly alien and even Cthulhuic about the DiMenTions of DeMenTia. Lovecraft's descriptions of 'non-Euclidian geometries' and 'angles which appear acute but somehow *turn out* to be ob-tuse' are very reminiscent of the Escheresque qualities of DMT as it warps the usual Laws of Form; as are the 'strange geometries' AOS sometimes perceived (according to K.Grant). The taranticular insectoid cyber-tentacle which emerged from a whirlpool of blood (the Well of Remembrance) and drilled into my Ajna on my second (smoked) DMT trip is in retrospect decidedly Cthuloid. My recent assimilation of this as a N'aton-seed affirms the resonance of the Beginning with the End -the Centre of the Spiral. The ultimate ma-nifestat-ion of N'aton is the re-turn of the Old Ones in a Nu Form.

Around Solstice elsewhere but not far my friend Seahorse experienced a vision of me as an octopus enwrapping the back of his neck and squirting out tattoo-ink. The strange Scribe-lings of Yog-So-Thoth...
Innana also experienced a somewhat Cthulic/Arachnean pre-sense while re-birthing my astral residue after drinking half-a-cup of mushy DMTeaPee. Her, I and Jess also all experienced connections with and flashes of the birth-pangs of Zya, who physically birthed Lilgimel Iannu Syzygy in the egg-house just over a year ago.

Arcana 23 is actually the Axis/Axle of the TAROTA Wheel. This united (2+3=5) is the pentagrammatical foundation of the wheel/chaosphere. The 8 sabbats/spokes spin creating the spiralling spider's web. The inwards (contraction/order) flux polarizes the outwards (expansion/chaos) rays- these are the (2x8) 16 kalas ('colours'/emanations) of Kali TimemiT, the ma-nifestat-ion of Nuit. The 16 kalas ov the ChaOrder Sphere further divide into the 32 (2x16) spheres and paths of the Tree of Life/ the 32 forms of Ganesha, the web of Ob-stacles (then the (2x32) 64 hexagrams of the I Ching/ DNA?) I have begun to map all this out as the design-structure for the upcoming 'ChaOrder Clock' ov this website...

Or the 32 is inverted to re-turn to the centre -23, outside the circles of time yet, paradoxically, at it's very centre -'As within, so without' -AOS.
Thus we are sucked up the trunk of Ganesha: QaneshanTATOR as the spokes ov the Wheel are inverted.
This central Axis/Axle is 'currently' the Omega Point of N'aton, 2012, although increasingly perceptible from anywhen. However when as a species we collectively reach this Hadit point, it will probably move on... (kcab spahrep ro)
I have realized that by having intense journeys outside the parameters of normal time and space for the last 5 Winter Solstices, I have created a vortex between them. Pieces of each journey have scrambled and blended: Things I didn't understand or knew-not-wherewhen-they-came-from have since been revealed as parts of subsequent solstices 'translocated' from their 'normal' points in the space-time continuum. Thus they form imploding 'rays' of the spider's-web which intersect the spiral of normal time and allow one to leap ahead and kcab in the spaces inbetween. Perhaps all the Sabbats could be aligned in this way? Strange and getting stranger...

I decided to 'Go' to the astral temple of the SSS during my travels, as half-moon co-incided with Winter Solstice, only to find I was All-ready There: My merkaba had flattened back into a Hexagram -the Great Serpent of time bites its own tale, the spinning swastika-globe of Ganapati-Gaia. O (Ain) K (Kaph) -the Eye returns to the Wheel/Palm.

ATU 23 refuses to be contained in the two-dimensional plane of a canvas. The Metamorphic Ritual Theatre I per-formed in the Mirrored Egg on Solstice is astrally accessible HereNow, and will soon be e-mitted through the Mirrored Egg on my si(gh)te to in-crease the inter-Face of DwimukHa aHkumiwD Ganapati. TrimukHa TrimukAHAkumirt TrimukHa Ganapati!
The 2D3D plane of 2'3' (=5 -the pentagramatical ORATARO wheel) exists in hyperspace, the flat surface of the screenercs (2D) which leads into the (+3D) wwweb which branches into infinite demensions (=5. The Star of Nuit). QaneshanTATOR! The Q-uantum Q-abbalah Qyl of Qanesha (32 names/ paths and spheres) is inverted to 23: Sucked Up the Trunk!


Back towards the Surface of ARCANA 23

Art and Text(c)99 Orryelle Defenestrate

The background sound now playing/loading is an extract from 'The Last Laugh Foundation' -words and music (c)2oo3 Orryelle Defenestrate, from the CD with the SilKMilK MagiZain s p o o l #1