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iNSPiRALink. MultiMedia PRESS ( IMPress) -the new publishing vehicle of The Order of ChAOS and affiliates- is a collective of magickal artists, writers and musicians.

iNSPiRALink. MultiMedia Press

The Eight outwards-pointing arrows of the ChAOrder Mandala central to our logo represent the distribution and dissemination of ideas and information.
There are also eight counter-pointing inwards arrows between, formed from the InSpiral: We hope to iNSPiR-All our readers and listeners with our iNSPiRAL ink, and to iNSPiR-A-Link back from you, receiving feedback to fuel the ongoing expansive circuit of the mandala and its outer Ma-nifestat-ions in the World of form.

Please Wait for Animation above to fully load, then align the eighfold web with the centre of the iNSPiRALink. MANDALA above and Click to see and hear samples of our W-ritings, Art and Music.