...Following the Golden thread... (email extract)...

Local Ritual with four participants, linked up with global Horus Maat Lodge astral new moon 'gathering.'

GOALS: *Tracing the Golden Thread to its source
*The Manifestation of Truth

We decided to put my 5000-yr-old KiaQyl staff in the centre of the circle, and visualize (eyes closed) the golden thread ascending it to wherever it led, while chanting the chakra tones up the scale. Then after a period of silence we descended the chakra scale, bringing back down either the golden thread or whatever it led to: the manifestation of truth. It had occurred to me after my last transmission that the golden thread as the passage out of the labyrinth was a metaphor for the path beyond the world of illusion/loom of maya to the truth of the absolute, so this seemed like an apt framework, within the ipsos/abrahadabra spirals (link-up ritual for global HML astral new moon 'gatherings') into and out of the circle.
I had visited Venom who played Maat in the Labyrinth earlier that day and started telling her about the golden thread email discourse.
Before I got to the conclusions about a marriage being too formal for Horus and Maat's union, she told me she was glad her and Revere had not been handfasted as it would be too formal a bond for them!
She had to stay in the city but said she and Revere (who played Horus in the Labyrinth) would do something for the new moon that night...

My astral journey was incredible! After visualizing the HML sigil on the base chakra toning (the red triangle is a symbol for the base chakra!)- it was 3d and spinning around the staff/feather in the centre of the circle at such velocity that it became like a rounded cone rather than a pyramid.
I began following a golden thread of light up the staff. When I reached the solar plexus chakra, a great golden glowing solar hawk burst out of my abdomen (I felt as well as saw this) and into the middle of the circle, where it joined with and became the golden thread and shot upwards at an incredible rate. By the heart chakra toning it had collided with the sun and merged with/become it. It continued to move upwards like a shooting star. My consciousness seemed embedded in it somehow.
I became aware of the other suns/stars in the great void of space as the chakra tones continued. When the crown chakra lapsed into silence I was aware only of light. But it wasn't white light, it was black. The void of space, but somehow also light.

This seemed to me to be some kind of ultimate truth, so when we began the chakra descent I decided to bring it back.
The journey down was similar to the ascent but progressively more conscious. At the solar plexus, when the sunhawk energy connected back into my body, I suddenly realized what this golden thread was : What the Mayans call Kuxan Suum -the 'solar umbilical cord' which connects us via a link between our solar plexus chakras and our own solar system's sun to the other stars (Sirius, Andromeda...) and ultimately to the Galactic Core, Hunab Ku! Is this where I had just been?

So the Golden Thread had indeed led me out of the Labyrinth; now that the Labyrinth CD and its promotional production were complete, I could devote energy to my next major project: The 13th-TRIBE WEAVING which involves the Kuxan Suum or Solar Umbilical Cord!

(The descent...) On the navel chakra I became aware of the silver moon cord, merging the two in my belly, and even as I realized this was the cord back to my physical body I became aware of my body again. The golden thread was the line of golden light coming through my eyelids from the candle.
Visualizing the sigil again for the base grounded the energy, then I opened my eyes to discover I could clearly see black light interwoven with the gold in the candle flame. I drew the others' attention to this, they could also perceive it. After staring at it silently for a while we got up and 'abrahadabra'd one by one out of the circle.

After an ascent and descent through the levels of density, Phoenix had also experienced the two threads merging at the navel.
Jess also went into space, where at one stage she saw Anubis (or was it me in my Anubis mask from the Labyrinth?) fly past!
Dom's golden thread turned into a golden path then a tunnel which he followed down to become a leopard.

We were all pretty amazed with our journeys, but the real clincher came when I got back to the city a few days later. I saw Revere and he told me on nu moon he and Venom (Who had played Horus and Maat in the Labyrinth) had ended up going to a nightclub and taking ecstasy. They ended up watching themselves morphing into each other in the mirrors. Later others reported seeing them doing the same thing on the dance floor!
The next morning Revere stumbled up out of bed to find in the hallway a forearm-length stick, with a snakeskin-patterned thin golden ribbon entwined around it!
The owner of this was later revealed, but how it had made its way into the hallway remains a mystery. It had been the cross-bar of a mobile, which had had seahorses hanging from it. Seahorses are gynanders!

Conclusions: Maat is a star-goddess, Horus a sun-god. There is no real difference between solar and stellar energy, other than that one is perceived as being closer, whether in space or in time (the aeons)..