'The antlered Horned God of Witchcraft, the name Cern or Cernunnos probably derives from Greek TyranosTywaz/Tyr and/or Germanic Vindonos. The Wild God of the Storm and the skies, He thuis reltes to Shiva as the primal Rudra, 'the Howler' -thus the skull necklace and Kapal or skull-cap bowl of MahaKala, while the Druidic serpents entwine His wrists....Here the Burning Spear of Celtic Lugh is combined with that of the Norse War/Agriculture God Tyr and His rune Tywaz, its other end the Horned Stang of the Sabbatic Tradition. Behind Him is the World Tree, Yggdrasil.-from the text in Conjunctio

This image is fromOrryelle's Graphic Grimmoire 'CONJUNCTIO' published September 2008 EquinoXuliuqE by Fulgur Limited (sold out).

The Book CONJUNCTIO presents mirrored pairs of Sacred Twins and Divine Lovers from various cultural pantheons coupled on facing pages. Theyare aligned in such a way that when the pages are turned the figuresare United in holy conjunction by the alchemical reader.
Different reflective relationships -alchymic opposites and complementaries- are explored b e t w e e n the pages.

The plate of Cernunnos Tyr in the Grimmoire faces one of Hela Cerridwen.

Drawn in 2009 in Melbourne, Australia.

Media: -pen, ink, pencil, black gouache.

11" x 17" (approx.A3) size signed and numbered print, limited to 77 copies on quality off-white acid-free paper - $16:

Original Sold.

Paired with Hela Cerridwen $23 for the 2 prints:

(c)2010 Orryelle Defenestrate-Bascule