The Global ANAHATA (Heart) Chakra Working:


Photographs by Geothro

Being the tone we had chanted the most in our preparatory circles, the Anahata chakra's long, 'Aayyyyy' sound came in powerfully, and I saw eyes alight with bliss around the circle �we had reached the crux of the ritual.

As the tone continued, I took up a ball of thread and passed the end of it through the Anahata piercing of Evan, representative of Australian Aboriginal and Dravidian peoples. I put the ball itself on the ground, unravelling thread from it and carefully pulling it through the metal ring in the flesh of his chest...
I passed the loose end of the thread through the piercing of Christina opposite Evan in the circle, and spooling it on from the unravelling ball back to Richard next to Evan, and so forth dna kcaback and forth across the circle, moving sunwise from one person to the next on one side and moonwise on the other, hoping the method of weaving this complex mandala which I had determined on paper only the night before would work properly in practise�!

Because only a single thread not the whole ball of string could be passed through the piercings, I had to leave the ball at the beginning rather than tie off, so as I reached each new person more of the unravelling thread had to be passed through each piercing already threaded. So the weaving took a long time and a lot of care, especially as I began to web myself in, restricting my movents and requiring caution to not bump any of the lines of the star already woven. I was glad to feel the trust of the initiates in allowing this delicate slow process to unwind.
Throughout we continued to chant the Anahata chakra tone, its extended resonance deepening our gnosis as we began to slip into a timeless space. Sometimes this stream of constant sound would ebb or falter as a voice or two would lower or drop out to rest, then it would pick up again as another rejoined into its next powerful wave.

The outer ring of participants �including Starshadow (Geburah in the 11-star rite of the Horus-Maat Lodge) and his coven who knew and had practised the tones- chanted with us, adding their voices, energy and support. Most of them had stayed with us even through the downpour.

The sacrament-bearer of Air circumnambulated around the outside of the inner circle, fanning air onto the Anahata area of the spines of the twelve initiates. I had wanted to find a wing for this action, and perfectly Adam had wings from a dove he had found �what better bird to symbolise the heart chakra's relationship with the element of Air?

I felt hyper-aware, totally blissed out yet extremely focused; several of the initiates expressed afterwards various stages of intense altered spaces during this part of the rite. I would look up from my weaving periodically to see expressions of elation, ecstasy and perhaps also some joyous surprise that the weaving actually seemed to be manifesting as planned despite all the obstacles along our way. I felt immense love for everyone there.

As with all the thread unspooling to be passed through piercings of the growing number of threaded initiates it became a little tangled, Daphne stepped in from the outer circle and helped unravel it, passing it on to me as she did so�

When I reached Bayard as the last person to be woven into the web, there was nowhere to take the final thread to complete the 12-pointed star but to myself and take the centre. This I did, needing some direction from those encircled to find the very centre of the threads crisscrossing through the middle (pictured at left). Still we chanted the Anahata chakra tone, and I found myself awash in the waves of sound resounding all around me. I passed the end of the thread through my nipple piercing (not then knowing that this nipple would a few weeks later become the abdomen of a tattooed spider, now at the centre of the web which it would later be on the edge of)�

And when the Web was thus complete, in its first �Solar- formation, there we stood resplendent, each initiate a petal of the twelve-petalled lotus of the Anahata Chakra of the planet. So too were we a fractal microcosm of the microcosm of the solar zodiac in the landscape, as it in turn reflects the macrocosmic web of Stars above, the solar zodiac, great Wheel of the Heavens.

The Glastonbury Zodiac is a series of animal and human figures in the Somerset landscape as seen from the air, below the constellations they echo. But the interesting thing is that apparently when the land formations were created in these shapes, they would not have been aligned with the corresponding zodiacal shapes in the sky as they are now, due to the slow rotation of this cosmic wheel across the heavens.
Therefore it seems they were created then to activate now, 'when the Stars are aright�' Our rite felt like some great Key inserted into a cosmic double-lock as it slid into conjunction�

I had wondered earlier how that mysterious Fourth Fate I had recently written of in my tome on spider-magicks -'Emit fo yrotsreH feirb A'- would manifest in our working. She Who is the invisible yet implicate 'Splicer' � who in the dark phase joins Fates spinner (waxing) weaver (full) and cutter (waning) full cycle- was suggested when Evan took up the ball of thread which lay at his feet where the weaving had begun, and tied it to the other end which hung down from my own Anahata piercing in the centre. This completed the twelve-pointed star, giving the final (and first!) point a double-strand (like all the others) triangle instead of a single representative strand!

Once the 12-pointed star was woven, we proceeded with an energetic exercise most of us had practised together in the preceding week, as instigated by Kieron. I guided it vocally to keep us aligned with each other and for those who had not done it before, especially in the outer circle. With deep inhalations we pulled the energy of the sun and the stars beyond down through the crowns of our heads, into our Anahata chakras. Then we pulled the energy up from deep within the earth �Gaia's fiery core- also into our hearts.

Here we mixed them in this central chakra, allowing the energy to expand as a ball of light, growing larger, brighter, larger as we breathed the stellar energies down and the telluric energies up �larger, brighter, larger until it could no longer be contained within our chests and burst forth into the centre of the circle, the individual balls of energy merging into one great central ball. In pre-planning, I had not intended to be in the centre of the circle at this point �because the energy was being directed at the centre itself not my presence within it, and also so it would not be seen as some kind of ego trip. As it turned out with the 12-point star only being completeable with myself threaded in centrally, there I was anyway, and it felt fine if a little overwhelming, all that energy cascading around and through me.

People began calling out their intentions, what they were putting into the circle that they wanted to give out to the world �trust, truth, love, world peace, understanding, open-ness and other such noble virtues, as well as a few funny personal quirky ones too. We all let the energy in the inner circle build up and up, the collective ball of light growing and growing until it too became uncontainable and burst out into the outer ring, then grew again, larger, brighter, larger, brighter, until�

...the bubble burst and all our Anahata energy �merged with that of the Earth Herself- went flying out into the World at large, helped in this propulsion by everyone in the outer ring turning on their heels and suddenly projecting outwards. An immense wave of release swept the circle- the joyous knowing that to give love does not deplete it but creates more exponentially and infinitely�

I also noticed at this point and other energetic peaks in our ritual that the other people further up the Tor for solstice -although apparently mostly not paying too much conscious attention to our circle- responded with further ecstatic energy. Children were laughing and a tumult of excited voices rose in pitch and volume just a few seconds later as if feeling the first ripple of our projection.

We paused for a moment, allowing some silence to settle this formation before we moved into the final phase of the ritual�

After a while I began to narrate the conclusion of Rain's story:

�As the prophesy says: In time, the twelve tribes will come in contact with each other and bring forth children who can sing the songs of more than one land. First the four nations will meet amongst themselves, then each nation will meet and mix. In time, a new people will arise, a people of the blood of all tribes, all nations. This people will be the rainbow people, and their children will sing all the songs of Earth. In time, we will be one people again.�

Then -as the sun had began to set and a Silver Dusk descended at the end of the longest day of the year (summer solstice)- I stepped out from the centre, so that the twelve-pointed star became a thirteen-pointed star, I becoming its thirteenth point. This was the ritual transition � correlative with the even-ing of light and dark, night and day- from Solar phase to Lunar phase.

Now we formed a 13-pointed Star, a multi-layered Symbol representing:

*The 13-point star-diamond of Ma-nifestat-ion (outer star of illustration at left) chanelled by Achad ('Unity') on initial receipt of the Maat current, signifying it's earthing in this Aeon;

*The Lunar Zodiac of which Arachne is the Thirteenth sign;

*The 13-moon cycle of the year, as acknowledged in the calendars of the Mayans, the Druids, and other ancient cultures.

*The 13-baktun time-map of the Mayans, the Thirteenth point ofwhich represents the final baktun/cycle from 1992 to 2012 -the Solar Age (glyph: AHAU);

*The Global Unity of all peoples and cultures as the Thirteenth Tribe.

We all leaned back to stretch the web into shape and fully feel the connections with each other �in a most tangible and physical way! (and of course on many other levels also with all the chanting and energetic work we had been doing together). It was really an incredible feeling, this multi-faceted joining.

'Unity in Diversity' I said, and each of the Twelve Tribal Representatives called out the Word, 'Unity', but each in their different languages, as researched where not already known �beginning with Kieron, Celtic-Germanic representative, calling out, 'Unity� (English) Einheit (German)�', then Marios representing Eastern Europe and the Middle East calling out, �Omonoia (Greek), Achad (Hebrew)...� and so on around the circle. When this was done I gave a nod and together, in Unity, we all cried out the Word, 'Unity' but each in the different language/s of the peoples and cultures we were representing, thus demonstrating the Diversity within that Unity (and the acceptance of that diversity being the only way of achieving true Unity)�

A simple but most effective exercise, and happiness radiated around the circle.

Then I gestured at the initiate to my right and he called out, 'M..', then the next who called, 'A�', then, 'N�', 'I�', and so forth until we had collectively formed the thirteen-lettered Word, 'Manifestation', at which point we all cried out the Word entire together.

For this is the Word in the outer rim of the 13-point star-diamond of Manifestation which Frater Achad �Crowley's magickal child- channelled upon initial contact with the current of Maat. And now we had truly Earthed �in full Ma-nifestat-ion- this current of Truth and Balance into out aeon, in a very physical way. For Malkuth �physical reality- is the Daughter sephiroth and Maat (especially as 'Ma' �the ancient Egyptian name of Her daughter form) is the Daughter of Earth in the aeonic formula YHVH, which completes the cycle, for 'The Ma-nifestat-Ion of Nuit is at an End' (AL I,66).

Achad is the Hebrew word for Unity, and its numerical value in Hebrew (Qabbalistic) Gematria is 13.

I struck the chime and we moved now up from the Anahata Chakra to the Vissudha (Throat) Chakra. After resonating so long on the single tone and note of the heart, it felt incredible to shift up to the slightly higher, 'Eeee' tone of the throat. It resonated with full power, as the chakra of Sound and Vibration should.

Thirteen times we sounded it, then with the signal of the chime on up to the Ajna (Third Eye) Chakra, and here for me the visions really kicked in:
Riding on the fluctuating subtle harmonics of the collective, 'mmm' tone humm, I saw the etheric web of connections spreading out from our immediate physical web. There were several Anahata group rituals linked with ours occurring simultaneously as well as numerous individuals tuning in across the globe. I felt these connections now, seeing a flash of a handful of ritualists at Boudica's Mound in Hampstead Heath, London, then a few more at the Serpent Mound in Ohio where I had performed a new moon rite with Nema and Tyger a few years ago.
With my mind�s-eye I saw tenuous filaments of light stretching out across the globe from our circle to these, and to other, less locatable places and people, forming a fine lattice of subtle energies. Suddenly I saw quite clearly the faces (especially eyes) of loved ones in Australia performing a linked rite. One of these was Kestral, and this made me smile for an actual Kestral hawk had been hovering over and near our circle on the Tor for much of the afternoon.

This hawk is also present in the original vision of the 13th-Tribe Weaving that I drew as the Sun card (above) of my Book of ChAOS Tarot deck � several years earlier, there representing the solar energies of Horus. I was laughing after the ritual about this being the Sun card, considering the extreme weather we had �although it was very hot for the first half of the day while we were setting up and preparing�

Other imagery in this picture has also clarified as the working unfolded �the Sun-lion (with mane of fire-serpents) was drawn to symbolize Egyptian Hrumachis, but is also akin to the stone lion head from whose mouth the sacred red water pours in Glastonbury's Chalice Well gardens opposite the Tor (which I had not seen when I drew it), in much the same way as the solar fire pours down into our circle in the image (above).

The web of stars beyond our sun �as in the card- I saw vividly as we concluded the Ajna tone and moved to the Bindu chakra at the back of the head, the, 'nnngg' sound fluctuating strangely with tongue held in back of throat. I felt the energy rush up to the back of my head, around and back down as this Kechari Mudra connected the energy circuit we had been establishing.

The lacework of light became more tenuous as it stretched off into infinity. I opened my eyes fleetingly to see deep trances all around, and it felt for a moment like we were going to collectively take off or dematerialize. Some were beginning to sway slightly or even shake. It was hard to tell if it was kundalini, cold or both!
The sacrament-bearers and Natasha the cutter had been wonderful, keeping us supplied with water and as much warmth as possible (considering that the chest area still needed to be exposed) while we were woven, but we had endured a lot..

We emerged into the high and resplendent, 'Ohh' tone of the Sahasrara (crown) chakra thousand-petalled lotus at the top of the octave and the energy fountained forth from the crowns of our heads. Connection with the All. Unity uttermost shown�

Then it was back to the low bass, 'Ohh,' tone of the Muladhara (Base) Chakra to ground out and earth the energies. By this stage �after many hours of chanting and deep breathing, the piercings and the thread creating slight tension on these, and the bombardment of elements we had received from the extreme weather- we certainly needed it!

The energy descended as dramatically as the tone did back to the bottom of the octave, and slowly we all sank to our knees, carefully so as not to put any strain on the delicate web between us�

It felt intense to be kneeling on the ground, then putting all our palms flat upon the grass, feeling the pulse of the Earth, grounding out the high energy we had raised, earthing our intentions into Manifestation. Several spoke these aloud as the rest continued the bass chant which droned in powerful waves of coagulation. Gaia felt very warm and responsive.

Eventually we slowly stood again and Natasha (left) came in as the black-clad Cutter (the Crone Death of the Trinity of Fate) with her big pair of shears. Without hesitation -Snip, snip- she released us one by one from the Web.

I asked everyone to remember the Unity we shared, and that as we went back into our individual selves, identities and lives, to carry that with us. To know that though we are always AlOne, yet we are All One� �

The feeling of relief and release was immense. After being united in such an intense way for so long, one could really appreciate the joy of individual Self and Being again! The physical sensations of such were a reminder that the game of life is a special one, that we are, '...Divided for love's sake, for the Chance of Union' (Liber Al, 1,29), but also, 'United for Art's Sake, for the Chance of Division' (Liber Pennae-Ultim-Atum, III,61). Both of these realities can be beautiful if appreciated fully with the knowledge and awareness of the other�

We jumped around, shook our limbs and bodies with regained freedom of movement, laughed and hugged one another joyously.

Knowing the energy could now scatter very quickly, I encouraged everyone to join hands once more to perform a final dragon-dance to end the rite as we had begun. Some were a bit reluctant but afterwards said they were glad we did this, for it distributed the energy more from the area where we did the rite, and involved others present on the Tor again�

It was a lot of fun. In linked serpent formation, we wound up and around the Tower atop the Tor �it felt great to be moving from that one spot where we had stood in such concentrated energy for so long� Many more joined us this time than the first serpent dance, and by the time we threaded jubilantly down back to the circle the snake was about 60 people long�

The random chanting was spread out over the sacred hill so that when we spiralled back into the centre, it was incredibly powerful as all the voices merged together, raised and peaked as we flung our hands high into the air in an upwards ecstatic spiral...

From here we began to disperse. Somehow amidst the ensuing elated chaos the four who began the rite managed to come together again briefly to thank and banish the elemental spirits in each direction�

The Global Anahata Chakra Rite was thus finished, the Great Work complete.

...(the next awaits)...

Blessed Bee!


A tangible Result: Returning to Glastonbury about a moonth after solstice (where I wrote most of this report, reminded by the locality of key elements) I was told by Claire (the sacrament-bearer of Earth in the rite) -at the Mayan Day-Out-of-Time (which I was a day late for) festival- that a 13-pointed star crop-circle had appeared somewhere near Avebury (also a part of the global heart chakra nexus and visited by several of us a few days after the weaving)!

Another interesting cropcircle with an eye in a vessica piscis similar to the design on the red chalice well lid in Glastonbury has manifested near the Serpent Mound in Ohio where a linked rite was performed simultaneously...

The ritual was also further earthed at a strange place called Morrigan's Mump, as suggested by a local Glastonbury witch who assurred us, 'That's the centre of the web round here�'

Well it wasn't much to look at, but there was certainly intense energy on that little mound, visited by four participants in the Anahata working � Evan, myself, Jasmine and Tekla � a visiting German woman who knew nothing of the rite beforehand but felt called to go up to the Tor that afternoon and then joined the outer ring of the rite (unsurprising I guess as her name means 'Spider' in German!)

A moonth or so later a 13-point star tattoo on my chest was also complete, the Memory of our rite etched for my life into my flesh, with all the design�s multi-layered symbolism contained therein.

Imagios had come to the UK with the intent to be initiated into the Horus-Maat Lodge. Methinks he got more of an initiation than expected, being woven into the web of the 13th Tribe.

However two days later we endeavoured to perform the regular HML initiation ceremony also before he flew back to the Czech Republic. This was done on the Tor in the same location as the solstice rite, and Jasmine was initiated with him, by the several Lodge-members who were still present.
The significant thing is that before even coming to the UK he had planned to -and did- take the magickal name �Benu� -the Egyptian name for the Phoenix- as a part of this ceremony, yet was unaware of the significance of the Phoenix to the locality:

In the Glastonbury zodiac of the Somerset landscape, the figure which encompasses the Glastonbury Tor is that of a great Phoenix for Aquarius. Aquarius is the Waterbearer, and the sacred red and white springs are at the beak of the phoenix formation as seen from the air -also perhaps they are the tears of the phoenix, traditionally reputed -like Glastonbury�s red and white springs- for their healing properties.

The Tor itself is the throat of the Phoenix. There is evidence of an ancient Labyrinth on the Tor, a mystical spiral formation. Vultures have long spiral throats -physiologically- with which they break down flesh to feed to their young.
So besides the fiery solar aspect of the phoenix -correllating aeonically with Horus, the lord of Force and Fire; there is also the shadow of Maut the Vulture/Black Eagle -a form of Maat- implicit, to represent the *Double Current* (Aquarius sign as two ripples or waves) of our Aeon...

�And as the Silver Dusk descends about us so too within us something stirs. The Cosmic Day begun with the Golden Dawn now draws to its conclusion, for �the Ma-nifestat-ion of Nuit is at an End��(Al 1,66)

�and as She Ma-nifests in our Ae(i)on, a Cosmic Night Begins, in the Balance...


ON to TRANSLOCAL PARTICIPANTS -Other GLOBAL RITES and CIRCLES linked with The 13th TRIBE WEAVING, operating simultaneously in AMERICA, AUSTRALIA and LONDON.


Back to the GATHERING of the 13